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Monday, April 29, 2013

Weight-loss basics

Your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation. Fad diets may promise you that counting carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit will make the pounds drop off. But when it comes to weight loss, it's calories that count. Weight loss comes down to burning more calories that you take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages and increasing calories burned through physical activity.
Once you understand that equation, you're ready to set your weight-loss goals and make a plan for reaching them. Remember, you don't have to do it alone. Talk to your doctor, family and friends for support. Also, plan smart: Anticipate how you'll handle situations that challenge your resolve and the inevitable minor setbacks.
If you have serious health problems because of your weight, your doctor may suggest weight-loss surgery or medications for you. In this case, you and your doctor will need to thoroughly discuss the potential benefits and the possible risks.
But don't forget the bottom line: The key to successful weight loss is a commitment to making permanent changes in your diet and exercise habits.

"I Feel Amazing Inside and Out!"

Reshape your body and lose weight 3x's faster with our Look Better Naked! plan
Playing softball helped keep Lincoln, Nebraska, native Shannon Moore, 31, a slim size 6 throughout high school, but her weight started to creep up after she landed an office job. Tethered to her desk, she never exercised—and she started ordering pizza or a giant burrito for lunch. "I ate whatever was most convenient," she says. "I never thought about nutrition." In 2006, Shannon wore a size 14 dress to her wedding, then tacked 25 more pounds of "love chub" onto her 5'8" frame during her first year of marriage.
Bike Your Butt Off!
The Change
In January 2008, Shannon's company instituted a system that used health tests to determine employees' insurance deductibles. Shannon, who was 179 pounds at that point, was looking at a steep increase in payments. "Finally," she says, "I had a reason to get fit."
The Lifestyle
For a week, Shannon wrote down everything she ate. "Turned out that if it wasn't takeout or fast food, my meals came from a box," she says. "And I was drinking five cans of soda a day!" (Search: How to kick the soda habit) She began trading processed foods for fresh fruits and veggies, learned to cook healthy versions of the greasy dishes she used to order in, and joined a gym to walk on the treadmill or use an elliptical for 30 minutes five days a week.
More: Weight Loss Tips That Don't Suck
Six months later, she was 10 pounds lighter. To accelerate her weight loss, she stopped chasing workouts with a big bowl of cereal, upped her cardio sessions to one hour, and added strength training three times a week. By December 2010, she dropped 31 more pounds and was a size 4. "I had a fit body again, and I loved it!" she says.
The Reward
Shannon is now at a healthy weight and up for any fitness challenge. "It's very liberating when you're not restricted by your body," she says. "My confidence is high, and I feel that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to."
5 Healthy Foods That Make You Beautiful
Shannon's Tips
Keep your thighs on the prize. "I set new goals and give myself nonfood rewards when I reach them, such as a bottle of nail polish or a good book."
Have night sweats. "I'm a night owl, and sometimes I head to the gym at 9 p.m. and stay as late as midnight. I don't feel as rushed when it's less crowded, and I have more time to focus on my workout."
Go au naturel. Running is my time to decompress, so I try to find scenic routes where all I can hear is the birds chirping. There's nothing more relaxing, and it makes my run go by faster." (Sign up for our 5-K program and start running today.)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Epilepsy drug leads to weight loss, side effects

(Reuters Health) - A drug approved to prevent seizures may also help obese people lose a few pounds when it's added to therapy and nutritional guidance, a new small trial suggests.
But people who took zonisamide also reported more side effects, from nausea and vomiting to anxiety and depression. And two researchers not involved in the study questioned how much the drug would actually help people in the real world.
Although zonisamide is only approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for seizures, doctors can prescribe it "off-label" for non-approved purposes. Prior small trials and anecdotal evidence suggested it might help heavy people shed extra pounds.
"There is a little bit of weight loss with this drug when it is given for treatment of epilepsy," said lead researcher Dr. Kishore Gadde, from Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.
That could be because of its effects on serotonin and dopamine, he said. Those two neurotransmitters are known to effect motivation and reward pathways in the brain, including those related to food.
Gadde said his team wanted to see if zonisamide could produce weight loss in people without epilepsy, and with the added help of a behavioral intervention.
According to disclosures published with the study, Gadde has multiple patents for zonisamide as a treatment of obesity and weight gain, and he owns equity in a company developing a combination weight-loss drug containing zonisamide.
For the new study, funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Gadde and his colleagues randomly assigned 225 obese people to take either 200 or 400 milligrams of zonisamide or a drug-free placebo pill every day for one year. On top of that, all participants met regularly with a dietician and were encouraged to be more physically active.At the outset, they had an average body mass index - a measure of weight relative to height - of 37.6. That's the equivalent of a five-foot, six-inch person weighing 233 pounds.
One year later, people assigned to the placebo had lost an average of nine pounds, and those on the lower zonisamide dose had dropped ten pounds. Participants taking the higher daily dose had the greatest average weight loss, at 16 pounds.
Side effects were most common in the high-dose group. Out of 75 people, 10 reported nausea or vomiting, 14 had headaches, 15 developed infections, eight had impaired memory and seven reported anxiety.
Gadde said it's not clear which of those were directly related to the drug, or how much they bothered patients. Between four and six participants in each group, including the placebo cohort, dropped out because of side effects.
According to an FDA-mandated warning on the drug's label, zonisamide can cause serious skin rashes, suicidal thoughts and problems with memory and thinking, among other possible side effects.
In its generic form, the drug can be bought for about $30 per month.
Obesity researcher Dr. Raj Padwal, from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, said the difference between the high-dose zonisamide and placebo groups in this study was "modest" at best.
"Overall it's kind of a ho-hum result," Padwal, who wasn't involved in the new research, told Reuters Health.
"The earlier studies of zonisamide were a little more promising, so I would characterize this as a bit disappointing."
Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, from the University of Ottawa in Canada and the Bariatric Medical Institute, also said he wasn't incredibly impressed with the extra weight loss with zonisamide, especially because the study only lasted one year.
"Although that sounds like an awfully long time, it's not when it comes to weight management. It's keeping the weight off that's a struggle," he said. "To be useful for clinical management of people who struggle, we need to see whether two, three, four, five years down the road, there's actually any benefit."
What's more, Freedhoff added, it seems unlikely based on the data that zonisamide would have any effect on cholesterol levels or diabetes risk.
"At the end of the day, there just aren't any shortcuts," Freedhoff, who also didn't participate in the study, told Reuters Health.
Gadde said much larger studies, with hundreds or thousands of obese people in each treatment group, will be necessary to more clearly see the weight-loss benefits and possible risks of zonisamide. He plans to ask the National Institutes of Health if they will fund him to do that research.
"The more options that we have available, the better it's going to be for clinicians as well as the consumers," Gadde told Reuters Health.
A combination drug including a different anti-seizure medication, topiramate, was approved by the FDA for weight loss in July.
Freedhoff said zonisamide may be useful for people who need anti-seizure treatment but are on other epilepsy drugs that make them gain weight
"Have a discussion with your doctor, not about whether there's a magic bullet you could be on for weight loss, but whether or not you're on any medications at this point that could be contributing to weight gain" when there's an effective alternative, he advised.

How One Mother Lost 125 LBS in 36 Months with the SENSA Weight-Loss System

How One Mother Lost 125 LBS in 36 Months with the SENSA Weight-Loss System

Wendy knew she was overweight. She'd never enjoyed shopping, dating, taking pictures with friends or doing any of the typical teenage girl stuff. Still, she'd met and married a great guy, had two beautiful children, and seemed to have a happy life.But her weight still bothered her."I’d tried pretty much everything to lose weight — diet pills, pre-packaged meals, supplements, calorie counting, liquid diets, prescription meds," she says. "Every once in a while, I’d actually lose a couple pounds, but then I’d end up gaining the weight right back." For Wendy, the situation seemed impossible, so she gave up, reaching an all-time high of 266 pounds.Then came a family trip to California, and Wendy's world was rocked—but not in a good way. At least, not right away.As Wendy and her family boarded the plane, she  realized she could barely fit in the airplane seat.Blood rushed through Wendy's face. She started sweating from embarrassment and shame, but when she saw her children and husband happily preparing for their upcoming vacation, she also felt fearful that she wouldn't be around to see them live their lives."It was then that I knew I had to do something – not just for myself, but for my family."  Wendy recalled seeing an infomercial for SENSA® and decided to give losing weight one last shot. "To my delight, I used SENSA® with a sensible diet and exercise, and I lost 2 pounds in the first week."According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine's The Training Edge magazine, a sensible diet and exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle, and this steady, gradual approach is key to successful, long-term weight loss."As the months went on, I found myself eating less and becoming more active and healthy," Wendy exclaims, her entire face lighting up as she speaks. "I was so motivated by my results that I even started jogging and eventually ran two 10K races. Keep in mind, I used to avoid running the 10K in high school!"When sprinkled on food, SENSA®  works with your sense of smell and taste to help you feel full faster. Wendy found that SENSA encouraged portion control, leading her to a well-balanced lifestyle, which is essential for healthy living. Wendy soon found herself looking and feeling better. This boosted her spirits and got her on track to being motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle."I’m proud to say that I’ve lost 125 pounds in 36 months with SENSA®," she says. "I used SENSA with a sensible diet and exercise and for the first time in my life, I can finally fit into a size 8! That’s a huge victory for me because even as a teen, I had to wear a size 10 or 12. I can finally play with my kids, take the stairs, shop in real stores, eat out and feel comfortable in my skin for the first time in my life. I feel like I can do almost anything now, and that confidence is priceless. SENSA® has completely changed my life!"

"I Walked Off 149 Pounds and Lowered My Blood Pressure!"

A health scare prompted Taneisha Marks to make herself a priority. Now she's half her former size

Taneisha Marks, 40
Southfield, MI 
Height: 5'4"
Heaviest weight: 324
Current weight: 175
Lightbulb moment: Realizing I was going to die young if I didn't change
Biggest benefits: Lowering my blood pressure and boosting my energy
Taneisha's Story
I never worried about my weight in high school, but after I graduated, the weight started piling on. My parents both worked, and to help them out, I babysat my little brother during the day and attended college at night. I had zero time for myself. Pretty soon, food--whether it was pizza, sugary drinks, or cereal--was the highlight of my day. By the time I was 25, I weighed around 230 pounds. To make matters worse, my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure. High blood pressure and obesity run in my family, so I was put on medication right away.Learn how to get back in shape.  Walk off pounds and inches and melt belly fat!
I tried Weight Watchers when I was 29 and lost about 30 pounds, but I fell off the wagon when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer (see 7 other reasons your diet isn’t working). She's OK now, but it was a yearlong, stress-filled nightmare. Around then, the scale hit 305, and my doctor had to increase my medication. That helped for a few years, but as my weight continued to climb, my blood pressure did too. Video: Salt-Free Ways to Flavor Food
Wake-Up Call
By the time I was 36, I weighed 324 pounds and was taking the top dosage of two different blood pressure medications. That same year, my dad had a massive heart attack. He survived, thank God, but a few months later, I found myself in the hospital. I'd gone in for a checkup, and my blood pressure was sky-high. We're talking you-could-have-a-stroke-any-minute high: 150/110. My doctor sent me to the hospital for an echocardiogram. I looked around the cardiac unit, and everyone waiting to be seen was obese--me included. At that point I realized that if I didn't lose weight soon, I'd end up with a heart attack, just like my father--or worse.I'll never forget lying there in the cold hospital room with all these wires attached to my chest. I really thought I was going to die. I'm a spiritual person, so I started praying. Lord, please change my palate so that I stop craving unhealthy foods. Help me change so that I can live a long, healthy life.
The Weight Loss Numbers That Really Matter
Starting from Scratch
The next day, I got rid of all the junk food I had in the house. Cookies, chips, bagels, Hawaiian Punch—everything. (RELATED: Check out our list of 100 Cleanest Packaged Foods to restock your kitchen). Then I thought, Now what? I said a prayer asking for guidance, and then I sat down at the computer and started Googling things like "what to eat for weight loss." I kept reading about fiber. I learned that it's something in plant-based foods that can help me feel fuller longer, so I went to the store and bought high-fiber foods like vegetables, fruit, and beans and started incorporating them into my diet. Over the next few months, I read as much as I could about nutrition. I started looking at food labels, especially calories and servings, and became more aware of what I was purchasing. I also made a pact with myself to stop the fast food. From that point on, I let myself have fast food only on Fridays. By the time my doctor saw me again, I'd dropped 12 pounds, and my pressure had gone down some. My doctor was optimistic and encouraged me to keep going.
Moving Ahead
Around that time, I saw a Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD at Target. I thought, I'm walking in the store, so why can't I walk at home too? Every night when I'd get home from work, I'd pop in the DVD and start marching. When I felt like quitting, I'd repeat the scripture "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Some days my body hurt so bad that I'd go into the ladies' room at work and cry.
Within 10 months, I'd dropped about 50 pounds, and my size-26 pants were falling off me. While I continued to take both pills, my blood pressure entered the normal range when I hit the 70-pound mark. By the end of 2010, I was down 100 pounds and fitting into a size 14.
Happy and Healthy--For Life
I worked my butt off to lose each and every pound, but it was worth it. Today I weigh 175, and my pressure is at a normal level with just a low dose of a single blood pressure medication. I hope and pray that one day I can get off it for good, and I'm going to do everything I can to get there. My new goal: fitting into a bikini!

(Will) Power Through Your Weekends!

(Will) Power Through Your Weekends! // Weekend Weight Loss Tips: Women eating © Thinkstock

Yeah, you deserve to have fun when Friday rolls around, but that doesn't mean your diet has to go off the rails. How to treat yourself and still ward off Monday muffin top
Image: Thinkstock There's a new type of Sunday-night dread, and it has nothing to do with returning to work the next day. It happens—cue the Jaws music—when you step on the scale after a weekend of indulgence, only to discover you've gained three pounds in two days. (Search: How many calories are in a pound?) Been there? You're not alone. A study in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing found that adults scarf down, on average, 419 extra calories each weekend. "We have more social events that include food and drinks, we're less structured about our mealtimes, and we give ourselves leeway to eat more," says Kathy McManus, R.D., director of the department of nutrition at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. That said, who wants to spend their downtime counting every single calorie? Here's the compromise: Use this advice to strategically navigate common diet dilemmas so you can loosen up this weekend without needing to loosen your belt.

Why You Might Feel Lousy When You Lose Weight

We are excited to share one of our fave stories from Shape here on FitSugar. This week Shape turns to Cynthia Sass, a registered dietitian with master's degrees in both nutrition science and public health.I've had a private practice for a long time, so I've coached many people on their weight-loss journeys. Sometimes they feel fantastic as the pounds drop off, as though they're on top of the world and have energy through the roof. But some people struggle with what I call weight-loss backlash, the physiological and psychological side effects of weight loss that are powerful enough to make you feel downright miserable. Here are three you may encounter (do they sound familiar?) and how to get through the rough patch.
Toxin Release
According to research published in the International Journal of Obesity, environmental pollutants trapped in fat cells are released back into the bloodstream when you lose weight. The data collected from 1,099 adults looked at blood concentrations of six pollutants as people lost weight. Compared to those who reported gaining weight over a 10-year period, those who had lost significant pounds had 50-percent higher levels of pollutants in their blood. Scientists say the release of these chemicals as body fat is lost may account for feeling ill as you shrink your shape.
Advice:This study highlights why it's particularly important to eat a "clean" diet that boosts immunity and optimizes health as you lose weight. In my experience, low-calorie diets comprised of processed foods or ultra-low carb diets that omit antioxidant rich fruits and whole grains can add to feelings of sluggishness or symptoms like headaches and irritability. My best advice is to eat on a regular schedule to give your body consistency, which plays a major role in regulating hormones, and focus on the quality of your food by building meals made from nutrient-rich balanced portions of veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, plant-based fats, and antioxidant-rich seasonings.
See how to cope with the other negative side effects of weight loss after the break!
Surging Hunger Hormones
Studies show that as people lose weight, levels of a hunger hormone called ghrelin rise. It may be a build-in survival mechanism since our bodies don't know the difference between voluntary food restriction and famine, but one thing's for sure —raging hunger hormones make it much harder to stay on track.
Advice:The most effective strategy I've come across for combating hunger involves these three steps:
  1. Eating on a regular schedule — Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up, with meals and snacks no sooner than three and no more than five hours apart. Eating on a regular schedule helps train your body to expect food at these times to better regulate appetite.
  2. Including lean protein, plant-based fat and fiber-rich foods at every meal — Each has been shown to boost satiety so you feel fuller longer.
  3. Getting enough sleep — Adequate sleep should be a key part of your weight-loss program, as getting too little sleep has been shown to increase appetite and boost cravings for fatty and sugary foods.
The Mourning Period
Starting a healthy eating program can put you on an initial emotional high. It's exciting to make a fresh start. But as time goes on it's normal to start missing your 'former food life,' from foods you enjoyed but no longer eat, to comfortable rituals, like curling up on the couch with crackers while watching TV. It's also tough to let go of the freedom that comes with just eating whatever you want, whenever you want, as much as you want. Honestly, it really is a mourning period as you come to terms with letting go of the former relationship you had with food. Sometimes no matter how motivated you are to adopt healthier habits, these feelings can make you want to throw in the towel. Just remember, it's not that you don't have enough willpower – you're just human.
Advice:Change is always difficult, even when it's a healthy change. If you feel like giving up, think about all of the reasons why you're doing this that really matter to you. It may sound cheesy but making a list can really help. Write down of all the 'pros' of staying on track. For example, maybe you're looking for more energy or confidence, or you want to be a healthy role model for your kids or family. When you feel like falling back into your old routines, remind yourself how important the things on that list are to you. And if your old habits were to meet emotional needs, experiment with alternatives to fill the void. For example, if you used to turn to food for comfort or to celebrate, try out other ways to meet those needs that don't involve eating.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Father of student who died after taking weight loss drug warns of more tragedies

Geoff Houston, a doctor, and his family are calling for the lethal drug DNP to be made illegal after his 23-year-old daughter Sarah died after taking it.
Medical student Sarah Houston was found dead by her housemates after she had taken a combination of antidepressants and the banned fat burning pill DNP.
Medical student Sarah Houston was found dead by her housemates after she had taken a combination of antidepressants and the banned fat burning pill DNP.
Miss Houston, a fourth year medical student, was found dead in Leeds by her housemates after she had taken a combination of antidepressants with DNP, which she managed to get hold of over the internet and was taking in secret. She had suffered with an eating disorder since she was 15 and had had bulimia in the past.Mr Houston said: “I’ve no doubt there will be more tragedies.
“Three people have died from taking DNP in the last six months, and this is where DNP has been found. What happens if people have been taking it and we don’t detect it? Maybe people have died and we don’t know. In Sarah's case the capsules were found in her room, but it wouldn't necessarily be tested.
“I think people are at risk from this drug.”

Garcinia Cambogia Weight Loss | Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract Now Buy From Onlinƫ!!

Garcinia Cambogia Weight Loss | Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract Now Buy From OnlinĆ«!!. Garcinia Cambogia is the latest buzz in the “battle of the bulge”. Since recently being studied on the popular Doctor Oz TV show, millions of people are praising this so called “miracle weight loss pill”. Surprisingly, many people who struggle daily with their weight have yet to hear about it. visit this site Normally, "weight-loss" supplements are not recommended by doctors, especially weight-loss supplements that claim "easy" weight loss or "fast" weight loss. The key to weight loss is a healthy diet and exercise, but there are some incredible super foods that can deliver an added boost. One super food in particular, the Garcinia Cambogia Extract, is creating major media buzz, and the research is truly amazing.  .Visit this site now & loss your weight. There are several factors to consider when looking for the right Garcinia Cambogia extract. Where did the Garcinia Cambogia come from? Is the extract 100% pure? Does it have the right dose per serving? Does it contain over 50% HCA (hydroxycitric acid)? Is it produced in a FDA registered laboratory? Is it manufactured under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration? With dozens, if not hundreds, of garcinia cambogia products being sold online, selecting one that will actually work can be a difficult task. Further research shows that "Miracle Garcinia Cambogia" to be the top choice for a Garcinia Cambogia extract. It's the only one that not only meets all of the recommended criteria, but it exceeds it. "Miracle Garcinia Cambogia" is a premium 100% pure garcinia cambogia product that has 1500mg's per serving and has 60% HCA, which we know is the key to weight loss. And to top it off it's manufactured in a FDA registered and GMP certified laboratory. Because of the recent publicity, "Miracle Garcinia Cambogia" is currently sold out in stores. It is currently available only online, and there is a limited time 50% discount to the public, while supplies last. In addition, each order is a one-time-only transaction. In other words, there are no reoccurring charges or hidden offers.

7 Best Websites for Weight Loss

woman with laptop
Photo Credit: Izabela Habur

Deciding to get in shape and lose weight is easy — the hard part is actually sticking to that commitment!We scoured the web and tracked down the best websites to help you stay focused on your weight-loss and fitness goals. Best of all, all of the websites listed here are completely free to use.1.
The lowdown: It’s an online dieting community, but also places a huge emphasis on adopting a healthy lifestyle for long-term weight maintenance. The site is packed with useful tools and resources for you to explore. The fitness, recipe, and cooking videos are all easy to follow, and the motivational quizzes and success stories help to keep you on target with your goals. 2.
The lowdown: We’ve profiled before, and it continues to rank among our favorite websites for weight loss. Log what you’ve eaten using FitDay’s comprehensive food library, or enter your own custom nutritional information. The website then creates pie charts to let you see where your calories are coming from (fat/protein/sugar) and lets you see your long-term weight-loss progress visually.3.
The lowdown: This site incorporates the excitement of competition by allowing members to create challenges and invite other members to compete with and against them. It also allows you to log your daily workouts as well as more holistic health elements such as your emotions and level of fatigue. You can also track your specific body measurements for a better gauge of your fitness level (muscle weighs more than fat, so you may be getting fit even if the number on the scale isn’t budging!)4.
The lowdown: Like the other sites, lets you log your food intake and workouts, but also offers great tips for beginner exercisers and expert dieting advice. In addition, there’s a mobile-friendly version of the site so you can stay on top of recording what you’ve eaten even on the go.
The lowdown: Logs has easy-to-understand charts for tracking your progress and also shows you a count of how many calories you have “left” to consume for the day to keep you on track with your goals. 6 & 7. and
The lowdown: Created in association with the same Livestrong association behind those infamous yellow bracelets, is a great health and fitness resource. The site has a feature that allows you to click and drag the path of your runs/bike rides/walks on a Google map, and then generates statistics for how many calories you burned based on that map. Afterward, you can click over to partner site to log the food you’ve eaten, see charts of the calories you burned versus consumed for the day, and find recipes from other members.Know of an amazing website for weight loss not listed here? Let us know what your favorite sites are!

Green Coffee Diet Pills Set a New Trend in Weight Loss Circles

Diet pills seem to have evolved considerably over the past few years. Green coffee diet pills seem to work without any change in diet or exercise routine. This is supposed to be a new trend in diet pills and weight loss supplements.New Delhi, India -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/23/2013 -- Green coffee diet pills are known to have set a new trend when it comes to weight loss supplements. This is because green coffee is proven to ensure weight loss even without any modification in diet or exercise or lifestyle.
“This is supposed to be one of the most incredible features of green coffee extract which is experiencing unprecedented surge in sales volumes. Green coffee diet pills are being bought in huge numbers and people are known to be getting great results with them” says a spokesperson.
Chlorogenic acid is the main constituent that is proven to give green coffee its magical touch. It is clinically proven to enhance fat burning in the body by boosting metabolic rate. It is also known to reduce appetite. Yet another important benefit noted during trials is that it can help slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream which prevents fat accumulation in the body.Green coffee diet pills are extremely popular and some of the best brands have been reviewed by the popular weight loss site of the main points highlighted in Green Coffee Diet Pills Review conducted by include the following:- Some of the most sought after green coffee diet pills include GCB MAX, Green Coffee Extract from Evolution Slimming and Nuratrim
- GCB Max is a high strength pill that contains 800 mg of pure green coffee extract with at least 50% chlorogenic acid in each pill. It is the most popular brand that can help one get great results. It not only speeds up fat burning in the body but also helps suppress appetite. It also cuts down on fat built up in the body and reduces LDL cholesterol. This is a diet pill that is also known to reduce cellulite. Yet another benefit noted is that it can help detoxify body.- Green Coffee Extract from Evolution Slimming is also a good supplement but with less strength. It contains 200 mg of green coffee extract with 20% chlorogenic acid. The optimum dose required is 3 pills a day- Nuratrim is yet another great diet pill that not only contains green coffee extract but also a couple of other ingredients such as glucomannan, locorice extract and capsicum extract. It is proven to burn 380 calories in a day.“Positive user reviews have made these supplements even more popular among the masses” says a spokesperson.To find out more on Green Coffee Diet Pills, visit is a health and fitness blog that is known for its unbiased and complete reviews of the latest weight loss pills in the market so that its readers can take well informed buying decisions.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

CACFP provides aid  to child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children, and the health and wellness of older adults and chronically impaired disabled persons.
Through CACFP, more than 3.3 million children and 120,000 adults receive nutritious meals and snacks each day as part of the day care they receive.
See how CACFP can make a difference in the quality of your program! Whether you are a provider in your home, at a day care center, in an afterschool care program, or in an emergency shelter, you will find many useful resources for serving nutritious meals and snacks.


  • Tell me about CACFP
    Here's an overview of how CACFP fits into the FNS safety net to improve access to food and a healthful diet.
  • Contact your State agency
    CACFP is a federally-funded program administered by States. Contact your State agency to apply, find a day care home sponsor, or locate a facility that participates.
  • How to manage CACFP
    Find all of the basic information you need for participating in CACFP, including legislation, regulations, policy, meal requirements, and reimbursement rates.
  • Emphasis on integrity
    How are we raising Program performance? Look for best practices, locate financial management resources, and read about efforts to reduce paperwork.
  • Improving Health and Wellness
    Learn how provisions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act and the Institute of Medicine's recommendations are helping us build towards an even healthier tomorow for our children and older adults.
  • Resources and tools
    Are you looking for new ideas for recipes, menu planning, food preparation, or nutrition education? CACFP has resources to help you prepare high quality meals to improve health and nutrition, promote a healthy lifestyle, and reduce overweight.
  • Stay up to date
    Get the latest news and e-mail updates.

Exercise & Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging

Get moving! This 120-page guide describes the benefits of exercise and physical activity for older people. Learn how to set exercise goals and stick to them. Includes sample exercises for endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility and a list of resources.
Go4Life registered trademark logo
Learn more about the National Institute on Aging's exercise and physical activity campaign by visiting the Go4Life® website. Go4Life was designed to help adults 50 and older incorporate more exercise and physical activity into their daily lives. On the Go4Life website you can watch exercise videos, submit your own exercise success stories, print educational tip sheets, and use the interactive tools in the MyGo4Life section to make an exercise plan and track your progress over time.
You can also find an audiobook version of this exercise guide to listen to directly on the page or to download to your computer to take with you on the go!

Sample Walking Program

Sample Walking Program

  Warm Up Activity Cool Down Total Time
Session A Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 5 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 15 min.
Session B Repeat above pattern
Session C Repeat above pattern
Continue with at least three walking sessions during each week of the program.
WEEK 2 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 7 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 17 min.
WEEK 3 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 9 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 19 min.
WEEK 4 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 11 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 21 min.
WEEK 5 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 13 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 23 min.
WEEK 6 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 15 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 25 min.
WEEK 7 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 18 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 28 min.
WEEK 8 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 20 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 30 min.
WEEK 9 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 23 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 33 min.
WEEK 10 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 26 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 36 min.
WEEK 11 Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 28 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 38 min.
Walk slowly 5 min. Then walk briskly 30 min. Then walk slowly 5 min. 40 min.

Interested in Losing Weight?

What You Need to Know Before Getting Started
En EspaƱol
Weight loss can be achieved either by eating fewer calories or by burning more calories with physical activity, preferably both.
A healthy weight loss program consists of:
  • A reasonable, realistic weight loss goal
  • A reduced calorie, nutritionally-balanced eating plan
  • Regular physical activity
  • A behavior change plan to help you stay on track with your goals
We want to help you with each of these components.
Keep in Mind
  • Calories count
  • Portions count
  • Nutrition counts
  • Even a small amount of weight loss can lead to big health benefits
  • Strive to develop good habits to last a lifetime
  • Discuss weight loss with your doctor before getting started
Getting Started
  • Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) - an indicator of body fat - and see where it fits within the BMI categories.
  • Discuss weight loss with your doctor and decide on a goal. If you have a lot of weight to lose, set a realistic intermediate goal, maybe to lose 10 pounds. Remember that even a small amount of weight loss can lead to big health benefits.
  • Estimate your calorie needs. Using USDA's online Adult Energy Needs and BMI Calculator, you can determine the number of calories needed each day to maintain your current weight. To lose about 1 pound per week, subtract 500 calories each day from the daily amount. To lose about 2 pounds per week, subtract 1000 calories daily.
  • Score your current food intake and physical activity level using MyPlate SuperTracker. Taking a good look at your current habits will help you determine what changes you might make as well as what you are doing right.
How Do I Know Which Weight Loss Plan is Right For Me?
  • Keep in mind that you want to develop lifestyle habits that will help you maintain your weight in a healthy range. A short-term "diet" that you "go on" and then "go off" is not the answer to long-term weight management.
  • In choosing how to go about losing weight, keep in mind key habits of people who have lost weight and kept in off. These people are called "Successful Losers" by the weight control experts who have studied them.
Key Behaviors of Successful Losers*
  • Getting regular physical activity
  • Reducing calorie and fat intake
  • Eating regular meals, including breakfast
  • Weighing themselves regularly
  • Not letting small "slips" turn into large weight regain
*From The National Weight Control Registry. See "Long-term Weight Maintenance" in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 82, No. 1, 222S-225S, July 2005.
Resources for Healthy Eating
Resources for Healthy Activity
Staying On Track with Your Goals
Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress are key to your success. In fact, research has shown that those who keep track of their behaviors are more likely to take off weight and keep it off. A reasonable rate of weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week.
These resources can help you set goals and monitor your progress:

Healthy Eating Tips

Starting Points

Your food and physical activity choices each day affect your health — how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future.

These tips and ideas are a starting point. You will find a wealth of suggestions here that can help you get started toward a healthy diet. Choose a change that you can make today, and move toward a healthier you.